Pancha Karma ONLINE workshop – Process & Practice

Wednesday 5th March, 7 – 830pm ONLINE

Join Virginia for an discussion on Pancha Karma, the classic Ayurveda deep cleanse



Pancha Karma means ‘5 actions’ and is the Ayurvedic deep cleanse. This process is entirely residential and is tailored to suit the individual. Having competed two Pancha Karma cleanses, one in the UK and the other in India, Virginia will give a comprehensive overview of the process as well as sharing her own experience.

Pancha Karma means ‘5 actions’ and is the Ayurvedic deep cleanse. This process is entirely residential and is tailored to suit the individual. Having competed two Pancha Karma cleanses, one in the UK and the other in India, Virginia will give a comprehensive overview of the process as well as sharing her own experience.
As well as addressing any physical health issues Pancha Karma works on mental health and is incredibly enhancing for an individuals spiritual focus. This is because it is working to make the person totally Sattvic (balanced in all energies in the body, mind and emotions). 

There will be be lots of opportunity to ask questions and take notes.
This session will be available exclusively for the Patreon community. Click below to join. 

What is Panchakarma?

Prior to the panchakarma residential you need to prepare by changing your diet and routine for a minimum of 10 days.
After panchakarma you are strongly advised to maintain lifestyle changes and to undergo the recommended rejuvenative stage of the process.
For the whole process you should allow 3 months in total, of which 10 -28 days will be residential and the rest will be completed at home.

Therapies will include but are not limited to:

  1. Abyangha or Snehan (daily full body oil massage)
  2. Svedhana (daily steam / heat therapy)
  3. Nasaya (oil therapy for the nose and sinuses)
  4. Virechana (purgation)
  5. Basti (herbal enema therapy)

N.B. Traditionally the Panchakarma process also includes Vamana (therapeutic vomiting) and Rakta Moksha (blood letting).
These 2 therapies are not permitted in the UK.

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