
In Ayurveda we place a great deal of importance upon cleansing, to reset the bodymind system.

Cleansing helps to restore your natural state of health and wellness by removing toxins, bringing balance into your system and improving body functions and clarity of mind as well as emotional balance.

Cleansing and Resetting

In Ayurveda we place a great deal of importance upon cleansing, to reset the bodymind system. Cleansing helps to restore your natural state of health and wellness by removing toxins, bringing balance into your system and improving body functions and clarity of mind as well as emotional balance.

An Ayurveda cleanse

A simple Ayurvedic cleanse can be completed in 3 – 10 days. The at home cleanse includes eating specific simple foods, having massage therapy, herbs and creating a nurturing daily routine.

Please book a consultation session with Virginia to discuss or join the next seasonal cleanse group.


Panchakarma cleanse

Virginia offers panchakarma cleansing in Devon UK. 

Panchakarma means ‘5 actions’ and is a fully residential, longer deeper cleanse process. 

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