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In honour of the men

Today is international mens day. With women’s issues so prevalent in the media and on all social channels men often end up taking a back seat. So today, let’s celebrate the male energy by considering how it aligns and dances with our feminine energy and what happens when we are in relationship. (What I’m offering here is largely based on the ayurveda yoga philosophical view of this cosmic dance).

The male energy (Shiva) holds space for and facilitates the movement and creative energy of the female energy (Shakti). The energy of the male needs therefore to find a particular balance, a steady and unwaveringly consistent approach. This does not mean that the man needs to be domineering, dismissive, distracted, obsessive, coercive or controlling with the woman. HIs energy needs to be containing and yet freedom enhancing, understanding and non judgemental, gently questioning, incredibly loving and definitely willing to hear, see and listen to his Shakti.

And what is the female part in this cosmic dance? She is supportive, she encourages her male partner to create alongside her, to go with her flow, to enjoy adventure and to journey together. With the male support she is more able to embrace her creativity and to benefit from the sense of stability this gives. She finds the courage to be her true self, un-judged, un-limited, fully expressive, intuitive, heart led, fully free and authentic. Shakti when fully supported is completely loyal to her Shiva, because he is loyal and supportive of her in return. And so it goes on. 

This cosmic dance, when done with conscious intent and open awareness, produces a balance in human relationship like no other. It produces truth and devotion. The male female roles are quite different in their energies of holding space steady and creating and moving freely, but in order to complete the dance this is how it is. Then both can reach their full potential. 

I ask you now to consider how things are in the world today. Do we see this balance of male female, Shiva Shakti energies in this way? And if this is truly how it works then what is the impact, globally, in countries, communities and individuals if this balance is disrupted in some way? If things are out of balance how can they be restored? (No answers here just raising questions for you to consider).

Male or female, when we feel properly supported, respected, seen, heard, held emotionally and physically it gives us freedom because we know that our roots are solid and grounded and we know that we are safe in being able to grow and reach for the light. Dancing, laughing, so full of joy, this sacred union when in its flow is at the very epicentre of the universe. There is no question that when this balance comes into play all fear is gone, then we have absolute clarity and wisdom, and we are finally home.