Finding Freedom
This blog is a little different from my usual offerings. I hope that it’s helpful for some of you to read. for almost 20 years I lived with a partner who was addicted to various substances. I am sharing this now because I have only…
This blog is a little different from my usual offerings. I hope that it’s helpful for some of you to read. for almost 20 years I lived with a partner who was addicted to various substances. I am sharing this now because I have only…
What is Karma? The law of cause and effect? Is it fate or destiny or is that something else entirely? These are big questions! Definitely every action has a reaction, even if it’s not immediate, and we can see this play out in our daily lives if we are observant and aware.
For the heart to need healing it must be broken, right? On some level aren’t all of our hearts broken? Haven’t we all at some point in our lives, from early childhood, experienced disappointment, loss, trust issues, some kind of emotional conflict? All of these things, these emotional happenings, are matters of the heart.
it is about this incredible journey, about falling in love with life again, about maybe for the first time ever in my entire life trusting myself, my own judgement, my own instincts, my intiuition, its about falling in love with myself. It is about being able to say to myself, “yes, you’re doing ok.”
I get off the train at Kings Cross station. I walk up until I reach the carnage and detritus, the ugly, twisted, violent beauty of the Caledonian Road.
Just to be yourself is enough. You are a beautiful goddess, wild, free spirited, with wisdom, creativity and courage beyond that which you can even imagine you possess.
Vata derangement, in the world of Ayurveda, is a relatively common phenomenon, It is not something I had ever experienced, until now.
Last week I climbed Ben Nevis, at four thousand four hundred and thirteen feet its the completely highest point in the whole of the British Isles.
I didn’t even feel like going out of the house, let alone to Scotland (living in Devon it felt like a very long way for someone who didn’t even want to get out of bed!)
Life had given me experiences (extreme experiences!) that mean I have to embrace self acceptance and to speak what I feel, or risk regret, which is not an option. Its not easy to do this, but I make myself do it everyday because it now the only way I feel I can now be. Is this a gift or a curse? I really don’t know.
On 17/7/17 my partner of 17 years died. I was lying by his side as he took his last breath. It was not entirely unexpected but it was tumultuous, as was he. He was a complex person, full to the brim of life, love, laughter, so many thoughts and words, and yet always with a darkness and haunted sadness behind his blue eyes.