Menopause, turbulence and transitioning
Menopause. The very word strikes fear into both men and women at all ages and stages of life. What does the word itself actually mean? The word originates with the word moon.
Menopause. The very word strikes fear into both men and women at all ages and stages of life. What does the word itself actually mean? The word originates with the word moon.
Just to be yourself is enough. You are a beautiful goddess, wild, free spirited, with wisdom, creativity and courage beyond that which you can even imagine you possess.
We are generally seen as our roles or places in society. How often do we meet someone new and the initial question is always ‘what do you do?’ How often do we respond with our current (not necessarily chosen) job role or profession and not say what we actually do?
New years day morning 2018. I wake and stretch and my breastbone cracks, it feels as though my heartspace is literally breaking open after months of being stuck and stagnant.
On 17/7/17 my partner of 17 years died. I was lying by his side as he took his last breath. It was not entirely unexpected but it was tumultuous, as was he. He was a complex person, full to the brim of life, love, laughter, so many thoughts and words, and yet always with a darkness and haunted sadness behind his blue eyes.