Variable Vata

Variable Vata

The elements associated with Vata are air and ether. Vata means ‘that which moves.’ This is largely referring to movement in the body as a whole and with digestion. The qualities of Vata are dry, mobile, light, quick and bright. The air and ether of Vata gives movement both to the internal and external body and the mind.

The Perfection of Pitta

The Perfection of Pitta

The elements associated with Pitta are fire and water. Pitta means ‘that which transforms.’ This is largely referring to transforming food into energy with digestion. The qualities of Pitta are quick, hot, bright, sharp and intelligent. The heat of Pitta gives heat and vibrancy to the body.

Ayurveda – Pure and Simple

Ayurveda – Pure and Simple

The word Ayurveda means ‘science of life.’ Ayurveda is over 5000 years old and is still very much alive today, especially in India where you routinely see Ayurvedic pharmacies and hospitals used as pat of the communities routine medical care. It is a completely holistic and natural system for caring for the bodymind throughout your life. 

Liminal spaces

Liminal spaces

We are all presently residing, to one extent or another, in a liminal space. The Cambridge dictionary definition of liminal is “between or belonging to two different places, states, etc. the liminal state between waking and sleeping.” So we are in all presently in this place that is somehow ‘in between.’ To a large extent…

Yoga, religion, spirituality. Can they go together or are they completely different?

Yoga, religion, spirituality. Can they go together or are they completely different?

A long term Yoga student of mine, following the recent ‘lock down’ contacted me to say that, (as have many of us, during this peculiar process) she had done a lot of inner reflecting and soul searching and had, as a result, converted to Christianity. As a result of this decision, and again after much thought and thorough consideration, she felt that she could no longer practice Yoga in any form, largely because of with Yogas’ links to Hinduism.



What is freedom? How does it manifest in your life?. This is the online dictionary definition of freedom: “The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants