Karma in Kathmandu
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Karma in Kathmandu

What is Karma? The law of cause and effect? Is it fate or destiny or is that something else entirely? These are big questions! Definitely every action has a reaction, even if it’s not immediate, and we can see this play out in our daily lives if we are observant and aware.

What type of Yoga is it?

What type of Yoga is it?

I cannot tell you how frustrating I find this question! I get asked this a lot, and my response is usually ‘its Yoga’. Which is possibly not that helpful. I know that this question is usually asked in compete innocence. There are so many so called ‘types’ of Yoga being offered that it is no wonder people are confused. So I thought I would try to explain things from my perspective.

Ayurveda! Ayur….what?

Ayurveda! Ayur….what?

The ancient Indian art, Ayurveda, the ‘science of life’ has now become an integral part of how I function from day to day, hour to hour, and seasonally. I use it for my own health and wellness as well as to assist other people. How did this all come about, how did I begin this journey of self care and self discovery?

Healing the Heart
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Healing the Heart

For the heart to need healing it must be broken, right? On some level aren’t all of our hearts broken? Haven’t we all at some point in our lives, from early childhood, experienced disappointment, loss, trust issues, some kind of emotional conflict? All of these things, these emotional happenings, are matters of the heart.

An Indian Love Affair
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An Indian Love Affair

it is about this incredible journey, about falling in love with life again, about maybe for the first time ever in my entire life trusting myself, my own judgement, my own instincts, my intiuition, its about falling in love with myself. It is about being able to say to myself, “yes, you’re doing ok.”

Yoga, keeping it real
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Yoga, keeping it real

I was introduced the other day as ‘A yoga teacher, and a person.’ How refreshing. All to often it can feel that because I teach Yoga I am apart from the regular members of the human race and that I should somehow float just above the ground and glide rather than walk as I am so serene and pure.

Nomadic and Rootless

Nomadic and Rootless

I am Nomadic and Rootless, the dictionary definitions of these two words are as follows:

Nomadic: A person who does not stay long in the same place; a wanderer. i.e. Nomadic people travel from place to place rather than living in one place all the time. Synonyms: wandering, travelling, roaming, migrant, itinerant, migratory, vagrant. 

Rootless: If someone has no permanent home or job and is not settled in any community, you can describe them as rootless. i.e.These rootless young people have nowhere else to go.…people who refused to integrate within society and instead lived rootless, jobless lives. Synonyms: footloose, homeless, roving, transient .